“GO SIT DOWN!” It was commanding, demanding, incontestable, stern yet at the same time urgent with an underlying fear, that of sheer panic. It stopped me in my tracks and obediently, I returned to the couch from where I had just risen. Deep in my conscious, (what I know to one of 7 Warriors) “What the Fuck is Going On?” ‘sounded’ slightly bewildered and I suspect it came from one of the more esoteric Warriors, if not a Chorus. Blue for sure, Azure may have chimed in? Indigo was curious but didn’t ‘speak’.
Red or maybe Orange, sternly asked “What the Hell are You Doing?”
“Sitting down”, I answered, which is rare, they know my thoughts, I’m pretty sure. Technically this happened before I recognized their presence which made the entire ordeal even more strange. In a flash, I realized or perhaps Indigo informed me that I was being silenced. You see, the reason I had stood up in the first place was, I had experienced an epiphany, a clear ‘knowing. It had something to do with social engineering, dark forces and nefarious plans to undermine Americans, perhaps all of humanity. It is even possible I cried “Eureka!” before jumping to my feet and starting toward the home office to post my thoughts on social media. More specifically to the Jade Helm group, where I would tag Sherry Berry. This was some serious understanding and possession of this knowledge would no doubt fortify defenses against ‘They/Them’ (little faggots, fitting name, really - no offense to the long alphabet people, y’all are cool just back off the children, please. In fact you good long alphabet people need to double down on your condemnation of the groomers and Dr. Frankenfucker’s. No doubt such action would place yourselves in good standing with the conservative or Right or Alt Right who ever your long time detractors have been. Mamma bears and other wild beasts have been known to not attack people saving their young. It’s a fairly safe bet the Giant will behave the same way, when it wakes up, and it will wake up, no doubt, any day now. I’ll get back to the Giant perhaps some other time).
By the 7th or 8th step I had been pulled up short after briskly setting out toward my destination, good old fakebook. Surprisingly, I had been informed that people afraid to stick their necks out too far, kept up with the resistance by following me (of all people)! At that time, just about every day, I’d copy, paste and post my long list of Hunlame Screwuity’s ‘watch words’. “Bomb, pressure cooker, C-4, Blast, Church, Jesus, etc.” - those serious threat words which triggered the algorithm to alert the small alphabet, people (impersonators) to read my post. (Hey y’all, evilsickfucktardbastards 👋🏻! Read any good Constitutions or Bibles lately? No?… Have you worked out what the fuck you are going to say to Him? I mean, I know you either don’t believe at all or you’ve made your sacrifices to Moldlick and think you have a chance to take on The Ritter and all, but just in case. Just in case you stand before The Lord God Almighty and He asks you about your choices, what ever could you possibly come up with to say in order to explain how you have abused His gifts, His creation, your charge? What ever will you monsters say when you come to the end of your days if you are wrong? Just curious.)
When “Go Sot Down” blasted over my mind, it actually caused me to wobble a bit, stopping in mid stride. As it had been seven steps I’d made, it was a mere seven to return to the spot on the couch. So it had happened over a matter of seconds, maybe a minute at the most, no time at all. “Screw that! I won’t be silenced like that! I’ll post that shit anyway!” I thought as I started to rise again but then I hesitated. What was it I had intended to post? I reached into my memory and while most all of my recall was there, the two or three sentences I had intended to share were gone. Everything else was right there. Every moment leading up to the epiphany, the Eureka!, the command, everything, sitting back down but the epiphany itself was gone. It felt like the eraser end of a yellow #2 pencil had been set down in one area of my mind and pushed around in a tight circle, scrubbing away not only every word, but the general concept, leaving to this very day, not the first inkling of what that thought possessed. This video brought the incident back to mind.
Fairly frightening, however, this I wanted to share: though my body was immediately obedient, the shout from the Warriors made me fully aware that the command was not my own. Perhaps our physical, material selves are unable to perceive the imposter but our Warriors can! Yep, ‘Our’, that is yours and mine! (Unless you are a ‘Pod Person’)
Who are these colorful Warriors which I claim you have? They are the energy bodies of your body - the chakra system. Each chakra can be excited or suppressed by different things, vibrations, sounds, colors, activities. They are part of your spirit and part of life. Mine are Warriors but yours may be faeries or Wizards or Unicorns, I guess? I’ve only ever actually met one of mine and he was a warrior, then later, I dreamt they were all circled around me arguing. Each is from a different time and place.
The warrior I met happened one evening during a pity party - just me, the dog and cat and a bottle of Jim Beam. The new place I had just moved into turned out to be not all that was promised. All the same, I was trying to make the best of it and had cleared away a bunch of bamboo and decided to add it to my little back yard fire. It did not occur to me to split the bamboo until after the chambers started exploding, sending red hot embers flying hither and yon!
For years I had wondered what could have inspired a person to discover gun powder? Now I knew! The inventor was simply copying nature! Watching the embers glow and flames licking about the much safer split bamboo, it came to my attention that it burned so hot in places, the flame was actually blue while cooler yellow flames danced around and flickered along edges. “That’s why Oriental art so often depicts green fires!! Blue and yellow are green!” an old phrase my dad used to say came to mind and I blurted out “Clever those Japs!”but then really considered the amazing technology of the ancient Orient. Porcelain, silk, architecture, etc, etc. In my heart, buzzed though my head was, I was truly grateful and appreciative of so many Asian wonders.
Shortly thereafter, my attention turned toward the house where my new landlord and his wife lived and wondered why he had been so dishonest. Originally, he had told me I could fence the property for my horse but when he saw my dog, he changed his tune. I could fence either the front or the back but not enclose the entire dwelling in a fence. I was so bummed out! What good is a dog if it can not circumnavigate your dwelling? Should I trust him? Did he mean to go in the house when I was not there? It just wasn’t fair! Briefly an ugly thought ran through my mind and at that moment I saw a hologram of a man standing in my green fire.
He was wearing something very similar to this and he was huge! There was a mask over his face, he had on socks and sandals that laced up his leg. He had swords, knives, a small round shield and a long spear. As soon as I saw him, I startled and sat back. He gave one nod of his head and started walking our of the fire. As he left the fire he disappeared but I could see his foot-falls in the dry leaves as he walked. Glancing up, I mapped his trajectory and realized he was headed straight for the landlord’s house! I tried to call him back and said aloud that I had not conjured him… but it was too late Ethel! He wreaked havoc, I’ll leave it at that. Lord but he was big! And there are six more.
The Red Warrior is an American Indian. His muscles are long and lean sinew. He carries a tomahawk, and has a couple more at his waist. He’s quick.
The Orange Warrior is Aztec or Myan or possibly African? He paints his body and wears a confusing headdress. He’s also very lean and carries knives. He’s rather frantic and extremely agile.
The Yellow Warrior is Oriental and more stout than the first two. He’s serious with his bow and arrow and advances slowly.
The Green Warrior you’ve already met, the Ido Samurai. He’s serious.
The Azure Warrior is Nordic his sword is broad and his armor is light. He’s a beast with huge arms and legs and there’s mirth in his eyes when he thinks of a fight.
The Blue Warrior is more heavily armored, tireless and unbelievably strong. He is a master of fortification and defense. I have no idea what he looks like under his armor.
The Indigo Warrior is mystical and clever. He is of perhaps Ancient India with amazing technological weaponry and great patience. His skin is very dark, possibly blue.
They are a part of my system. Does recognition of their distinctly different ethnicity make me a racist? Okay. Does their masculinity make me less female? Okay. I saw them in a dream and in a vision. They are as they are. AI doesn’t have any Warriors and not anywhere close to the data capacity of all of our Warriors together. This is right at the edge of the epiphany, something about Spirit having the ability to defeat the foe.
We are under attack. Summon your Warriors!
The power of the transcendental world is largely under-appreciated in an age of technocratic tyranny.